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About us

At Concentric we believe that nutrition is connected to all facets of strength, including physical, emotional and mental strength and, as part of our mission, we aim to provide a community where we can help our clients improve in all areas of their journey. Whilst this journey may be long and sometimes, never truly complete, you will be able to look to us and the Concentric team for guidance and motivation along the way. We will help you realise your potential and become a stronger and healthier version of yourself.


Our Scope

To help our clients in the best way we are constantly evolving and ensuring we use a combination of client preference, our own expertise and arguably the most important factor, current evidence. This ensures that we are always bringing you the best nutrition and strength coaching service we can deliver.

Our main practices include weight loss and gain, muscle building, lifestyle recommendations, strength and conditioning, powerlifting and bodybuilding training and of course, all alongside nutritional instruction and guidance. Where most coaches and PTs can give you broad nutritional advice, as qualified and practicing nutritionists, we can give you the instruction and guidance to really make a long lasting difference to your health.

We understand everybody is individual and this is why the majority of our coaching is one on one, this way we can help you achieve the results we know are possible!


Our Promises
  • To always act with the best interests of your physical, mental and social health,
  • To deliver the best nutrition and strength coaching service we can within our scope,
  • To stick to our values of hard work, dedication and belief in our team.

Our Team
Paul Wilson
Head Coach

Paul’s interest in health and fitness began in school, where he played rugby through the years and developed a competitive mindset. After leaving school this then continued through club level where Paul then picked up regular strength and conditioning alongside the team sports element. As competition was always in his nature, Paul turned his hand to powerlifting alongside his regular bodybuilding style training, leading him to compete regularly over a 3 year period. This was crucial to Paul gaining knowledge and expertise in this growing sport, fuelling his ability to coach and develop clients in this area.

Alongside regular training and competition Paul then qualified as a Nutritionist through BTN Academy and completed his PT qualifications, leading him to a career in coaching clients on all facets of health, nutrition and fitness both online and in person. In terms of his own training, you can now find Paul mixing up his exercise in the home gym, tackling some powerlifting, bodybuilding, and metabolic conditioning.

Nikki Wilson

Nikki has always been an enthusiast of general health and fitness, something she picked up through being an avid runner in her 20s to complement her busy lifestyle. Since then Nikki has become a keen Crossfit enthusiast and a qualified PT, helping to deliver flexible fitness plans for her clients in the realms of strength and conditioning. As a mother of two, Nikki has a good understanding of what it takes to achieve goals and incorporate health and fitness as part of a lifestyle change.