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Sunday 17th January 2021
Habits I’ll be forming in 2021
Let me preface this by saying you don’t need to change any habits if you don't need to. If you’re reading this then more thank likely you are someone who is consciously aware of your habits around your health and...
Monday 28th December 2020
Weight Loss Plateaus – Part One
In the world of health and fitness, plateaus can usually come in several forms, one of these is a weight loss plateau and is typically due to a stall in motivation or the physical numbers on the scale. For most...
Sunday 2nd June 2019
Why Diets fail
Why Diets fail   Intermittent fasting, Juicing, 5:2, Fruit Arianism, Atkins, Keto, Omnivore, Paleo, Whole food. These are the first 9 diets that came up when I typed “common diets” into Google search. Goodness knows how many diets are out...