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Wednesday 9th June 2021
Nutrition when injured
Recently I sustained an injury which out me put me out of training my whole lower body for a while. Actually, at the time of writing this, my foot is still elevated to take pressure of it. Damn ankle roll!...
strength, training, squat, nutrition
Wednesday 7th April 2021
Optimal Strength Training
Optimal Strength Training With information access and social media the way it is these days, everyone has an opinion on what optimal strength training looks like. Don't get me wrong I am an advocate of maximising my own and my...
Sunday 24th January 2021
Improving your strength as an advanced lifter
Recently I gained 10% on my front squat, as an advanced weightlifter. I jumped it from 100kg for 2 reps to 110kg for 2 reps, and this was in a 5-week period. I know your probably short on time, so...